그런데 meaning in english
그런데 (geureonde) is a common Korean word used in everyday conversations. It is often used to make a point or transition into a different topic. In English, 그런데 can be translated to mean “by the way,” “however,” “but,” or “on the other hand.”
그런데 의미가 유사한 다른 표현들은 무엇인가?
Although 그런데 can be translated to several English words, there are other Korean expressions with similar meanings. Some of these words include:
– 하지만 (hajiman): This word is used to express a contrast or opposition to a previous statement.
– 그러나 (geureona): This word is similar to 하지만 and is used to convey contrast.
– 그렇지만 (geureohjiman): This phrase is more formal than the previous two and is often used in written language to express contrast.
그런데의 원래 어원은 무엇인가?
그런데 is a combination of two Korean words, “그러한” and “데”. “그러한” means “such” or “that kind of” while “데” is a conjunction that carries the meaning of “circumstance” or “condition.” Therefore, 그런데 literally means “such a circumstance.” The word has evolved over time to have a slightly different meaning, as we will explore below.
그런데가 문장에서 사용되는 방법은?
그런데 is a versatile word that is commonly used in Korean conversations. It can be used to introduce a new topic or provide additional information about a previous statement. Here are some examples of how 그런데 can be used in a sentence:
– 그런데, 너 어떻게 지냈어? (Geureonde, neo eotteoke jinaesseo?) – By the way, how have you been?
– 만약 시간이 된다면, 그런데 어디 가고 싶어? (Manak shigan-i doenda myeon, geureonde eodi gago shipeo?) – If we have time, by the way, where do you want to go?
– 이거 참 예쁜데, 그런데 얼마예요? (Igeo cham yeppeunde, geureonde eolmayeyo?) – This is very pretty, but by the way, how much is it?
그런데가 상황에 따라서 어떤 뉘앙스를 가질 수 있는가?
The meaning of 그런데 can vary based on the context and tone of the conversation. In some cases, it can be used to introduce a new topic in a casual and light-hearted manner. In other cases, it can be used to express a contrast to a previous statement.
그런데가 자연스러운 대화에서 사용되는 빈도는 어느 정도인가?
그런데 is a very common word that is frequently used in everyday conversations. It is used to transition into a new topic or provide additional information about a previous statement. Therefore, it is an essential Korean word that anyone who wants to have a conversation in the language should know and understand.
그런데가 문어체에서 자주 사용되는가?
그런데 is commonly used in both casual and formal conversations, making it a versatile word that can be used in any situation. In written language, it is more commonly used in informal styles such as blog posts or social media updates.
그런데가 구어체에서 자주 사용되는가?
그런데 is an essential word that is frequently used in everyday conversations. Because it is a versatile word, it is commonly used in both casual and formal situations.
그런데가 청자의 인상에 미치는 영향은 무엇인가?
The use of 그런데 can have various effects on the listener or reader, depending on the context and tone of the conversation. In some cases, it can be used to introduce a new topic in a lively and casual tone. In other cases, it can be used to express a contrast, which can create tension or surprise for the listener.
그런데의 사용 방법을 잘못 사용할 경우 어떤 문제가 발생할 수 있는가?
Using 그런데 incorrectly can lead to misunderstandings or awkwardness in the conversation. For example, using it when introducing a topic that is too serious or inappropriate can make the listener feel uncomfortable. Using it too often in a conversation can also make the speaker appear disorganized or unfocused.
그런데 Grammar
그런데 is a conjunction that is used to transition into a new topic or provide additional information about a previous statement. It can be used in the middle or at the beginning of a sentence, depending on the context and the speaker’s intent.
그런데 Example
Here are some examples of how 그런데 can be used in a sentence:
– 나는 그런데 이 책을 정말 좋아해. (Naneun geureonde i chaeg-eul jeongmal johahae.) – By the way, I really love this book.
– 그런데 맛있는 음식 가게를 추천해주세요. (Geureonde mat-issneun eumsig gageleul chucheonhaejuseyo.) – By the way, can you recommend a good restaurant?
– 지금은 그런데 너무 바쁘다. (Jigeumeun geureonde neomu bappeuda.) – By the way, I am too busy right now.
그러면 Meaning in English
그러면 (geureomyeon) is another common Korean word that can be used in a similar context to 그런데. It is often translated to mean “so” or “then” in English and is used to introduce a natural progression in the conversation.
그래서 Meaning in English
그래서 (geuraeseo) is another Korean conjunction that carries the meaning of “therefore” or “so” in English. It is often used to express a cause-and-effect relationship between two statements.
그리고 Meaning in English
그리고 (geurigo) is a Korean conjunction that means “and” in English. Unlike 그런데, it is used to connect two statements that are related or of equal importance.
Google Translate
Google Translate offers a relatively accurate translation of 그런데 to mean “by the way,” “however,” or “on the other hand,” although it is important to keep in mind that machine translations can be flawed.
그래서 Meaning
그래서 (geuraeseo) is a Korean conjunction that carries the meaning of “therefore” or “so” in English. It is similar to 그런데 in that it is used to connect two statements but differs in the relationship between them.
그런데 근데 그런데 Meaning in English
그런데 and 근데 (geunde) are two Korean conjunctions that are often used interchangeably. They both convey a similar meaning of “however” or “but” in English and are used to express a contrast to a previous statement.
사용자가 검색한 키워드: 그런데 meaning in english 그런데 Grammar, 그런데 example, 그러면 meaning in English, 그래서 Meaning in English, 그리고 meaning in English, Google Translate, 그래서 meaning, 그런데 근데
Categories: Top 73 그런데 meaning in english
Korean Grammar – Sentence Connectors 그러나, 그런데, 그렇지만, 하지만 (But)
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그런데 Grammar
In literal terms, “그런데” means “however” or “by the way.” But in actual usage, 그런데 is much more complex with several variations and nuances. These different usages make understanding how to use the word much more difficult for someone who’s just learning the Korean Language.
The good news is, once you understand the different ways in which 그런데 is used, it becomes easier to use it in your daily conversations. In this article, we will delve deeper into the different forms and nuances of 그런데 as well as highlight some frequently asked questions on the topic.
The Different Forms of 그런데
그런데 has several different forms, which can confuse learners of Korean. These forms are used to indicate slightly different things, and it’s crucial to understand them in order to use them properly.
1. 그러는데 (geureoneunde) – This variation is used to express mild objections or corrections. It is used with adjectives, verbs, and other descriptive words. For example:
– 나는 백화점에 갈 거야. 그러는데, 너는 뭐 할 거야? (I’m going to the department store, but what are you going to do?)
In this case, the person speaking is making a suggestion and correcting the previous speaker’s assumption that they will go together.
2. 그런데도 (geureondedo) – This variation is used to justify a contradictory statement or fact. It is often used when a speaker wants to add additional information to a previous statement or when they want to provide new information that changes the context. For example:
– 평일에는 일해야 해. 그런데도, 주말에는 여가시간을 가질 수 있어. (You have to work on weekdays. Even then, you can have leisure time on weekends.)
In this case, the speaker is acknowledging the fact that they are busy during the week, but they have the option to take time off on weekends.
3. 그런데도 (geureonddorago) – This form is quite similar to the previous form, but the added -rago makes it more emphatic. It can be used to express surprise, shock, or wonder about something unexpected. For example:
– 그렇게 많은 돈을 벌어서 그런데도 남들은 보기 안 좋아하더라. (Even though they make so much money, others don’t look upon them favourably.)
In this case, the speaker expresses their surprise that despite earning a lot of money, the person they are talking about doesn’t have good relationships with others.
4. 그런데는 (geureonden) – This variation is used to express exceptions or qualifications. It is often used when a person wants to clarify something previously mentioned. For example:
– 제가 만든 요리는 대개 맛있어요. 그런데는, 베이커리는 제가 잘 못 해서요. (The dishes I make are usually delicious. But when it comes to baking, I’m not very good.)
In this case, the speaker is making an exception to their claim that their cooking is good.
5. 그런데요 (geureondeyo) – This variation is the most common form of 그런데 and is used to change the subject or introduce new information, often casually. For example:
– 오늘 날씨 좋아요. 그런데요, 내일은 비가 온다고 해요. (The weather is nice today. By the way, it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.)
The speaker changes the subject from the weather to the rain the next day.
FAQs About 그런데
Q: What is the best way to learn 그런데 effectively?
A: The most important step to understand and use 그런데 effectively is to learn its various forms and meanings. You also need to study its usage in context and practise using it in your daily conversations. Additionally, using apps and online resources to understand and practise its usage will be helpful.
Q: Why is 그런데 so commonly used in Korean conversation?
A: 그런데 is a versatile word that can be used in many different contexts, making it very useful in everyday conversation. Additionally, because Korean is a context-based language, using conjunctions like 그런데 help to give listeners more clues about the speaker’s intended meaning.
Q: How can I tell the difference between the different forms of 그런데?
A: Different variations of 그런데 will have different particles added to them to change their meanings. Always pay close attention to these ending particles and the context of the sentence to understand which form is being employed. Practise makes perfect, and with time, you will be able to recognise the different variations of 그런데 without thinking much about them.
Q: Are there any other similar words to 그런데?
A: Yes, there are several. Some of these words include 그러나 (geureona), 하지만 (hajiman), and 그렇지만 (geureohjiman). While they all have similar meanings and usages to 그런데, they each have slightly different connotations and are used in different contexts.
In conclusion, mastering the use of conjunctions like 그런데 in Korean will take time and effort, but the wait is worth it. Understanding the nuances of its many different variations is essential to its proper usage, so it’s essential to learn them all carefully. Keep practising, and soon enough, you will be using 그런데 effectively and naturally in your conversations.
그런데 example
1. 그런데 to Introduce a New Topic
One of the most common uses of 그런데 is to introduce a new topic in a conversation or discourse. It is often used to show a shift in the conversation or a new direction in the speaker’s train of thought. For example:
A: “너는 오늘 뭐 했어?” (What did you do today?)
B: “나는 운동을 했어. 그런데, 운동할 때 친구를 만났어.” (I worked out. By the way, I ran into a friend while working out.)
In this example, 그런데 is used to introduce a new piece of information, which is meeting a friend while working out.
2. 그런데 to Express a Contrast
Another common use of 그런데 in Korean is to express a contrast between two ideas or thoughts. It is often used to show an unexpected twist or a difference in expectation. For example:
A: “이번 주말에 영화를 볼까요?” (Shall we watch a movie this weekend?)
B: “그런데, 나는 이번 주말에 회사 모임이 있어서 못 갈 것 같아요.” (Actually, I think I won’t be able to go as I have a company event this weekend.)
In this example, 그런데 is used to show a contrast between the possibility of watching a movie and the obligation of attending a company event.
3. 그런데 to Provide Additional Information
그런데 is also often used to provide additional information about a previously mentioned idea or topic. It can be used to add more details or clarification, or to offer an explanation. For example:
A: “그 사람, 누구세요?” (Who is that person?)
B: “그 사람은 우리 회사 대표이고, 그런데, 매우 친절하시다.” (That person is our company representative, but, he’s very kind.)
In this example, 그런데 is used to provide additional information about the person, such as his position in the company and his demeanor.
4. 그런데 to Ask for Confirmation
Another way in which 그런데 can be used in Korean is to ask for confirmation or agreement from the listener. It is often used to check if the listener understands the speaker’s point or agrees with it. For example:
A: “나 지금부터 한국말 공부를 시작할 거야.” (I’m going to start studying Korean from now on.)
B: “그런데, 어디에서 공부할 거에요?” (That’s good. By the way, where are you going to study?)
In this example, 그런데 is used to confirm if speaker B heard and understood speaker A’s statement.
5. 그런데 to Indicate Conjecture or Hypothesis
Lastly, 그런데 can also be used to indicate conjecture or hypothesis regarding a certain idea or topic. It is often used to show a tentative interpretation or assumption. For example:
A: “저번 주말에 철수 씨를 만났어요.” (I met Mr. Cheolsu last weekend.)
B: “그런데, 왜 처음에 그를 알게 된 건가요?” (Hmm, why did you get to know him in the first place?)
In this example, 그런데 is used to express speaker B’s conjecture about how speaker A and Mr. Cheolsu got acquainted.
1. How do I know which meaning of 그런데 to use in a conversation?
The meaning of 그런데 depends on the context and the situation in which it is used. In general, you can observe how native speakers use it and try to adapt it to your own conversations. You can also try to understand the purpose of the sentence or clause where 그런데 is used and choose the most appropriate meaning accordingly.
2. Is 그런데 a formal or informal word in Korean?
그런데 is generally considered to be an informal word in Korean. It is more commonly used in casual conversations with friends or peers, rather than in formal settings or professional contexts.
3. Can I use 그런데 at the beginning of a sentence in Korean?
Yes, you can use 그런데 at the beginning of a sentence to introduce a new topic, express a contrast, or provide additional information. However, it is more commonly used to connect two clauses or sentences.
4. Can I use 그런데 in written Korean, such as in an essay or article?
Yes, you can use 그런데 in written Korean, but its usage depends on the target audience and the context of the writing. In formal or academic writing, it may be better to use more appropriate transition words or conjunctions, whereas in informal writing such as emails or social media posts, 그런데 can be used more freely.
5. Are there similar words or expressions to 그런데 in Korean?
Yes, there are several words or expressions that have similar meanings or functions as 그런데 in Korean. Some examples include 하지만 (however), 그러나 (nevertheless), 그리고 (and), 그러니까 (so), 따라서 (therefore), and 그래서 (so). However, depending on the context, these words or expressions may have slightly different nuances or connotations compared to 그런데.
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Article link: 그런데 meaning in english.
주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 그런데 meaning in english.
- Korean-English Dictionary – 그런데
- Translation in English – 그런데 – Bab.la
- What does 그런데 (geuleonde) mean in Korean? – WordHippo
- What is the meaning of “그런데 “? – Question about Korean
- Korean Linking Word – 그런데 (but, however)
- 그런데 (geuleonde) Meaning in English – English Translation
- Translation of 그런데 from Korean into English – Dictionary
- Lesson 77: More ~는데 (그런데) and ~는 데